Pharma Grants

Connecting researchers with the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries.

Supporting research by making connections.

Pharma Grants provides a grant administration service for the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries.

We advertise available research grants and facilitate the grant application review process.

While Pharma Grants assess applications to ensure they meet the advertised selection criteria, the pharmaceutical or biotechnology company awarding the grant are responsible for determining the successful applicants. Applicant selection is guided by a pre-specified criteria which is detailed on the application form.


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Currently Available Grants

Ferring Pharmaceuticals Australia Pty Ltd


Reproductive Medicine

Applications open May 10th, 2023 and close 11:59pm AEST June 11th, 2023.

Researchers, particularly early career researchers, are invited to submit applications for research grants up to the value of $50,000 AUD, for research projects related to reproductive medicine.

 Of particular interest are projects which focus on the following areas;

  • Use of data linkage approaches to understand the impact of frozen embryo transfer protocols on medium to long term outcomes of offspring.

  • Application of machine learning methods to analyse and improve decision making leading to improved clinical outcomes and enhanced patient care and safety.

  • Investigations of the maternal microbiome and its relationship to fertility, pregnancy or health outcomes in offspring.

  • Assessment and support of the mental health and wellbeing of parents, couples or individuals who are seeking, undergoing, or have experienced assisted reproductive technology.

  • Understanding the clinical management and experiences of men and couples affected by male infertility.

 To apply, please request an application via the application forms page.

Request an application form